Saturday, February 12, 2011


-Awoke in Dallas 7 am
-Said goodbye to the folks and the pups
-Bought carton of 555s in duty free
-Boarded flight to Tokyo
-Had a row to myself, some naps happened
-Read a book about Miles by his former Road manager, and Flow My Tears the Policeman Said By PKD
-Watched Red (not so good) and Waiting for Superman (really good)
-13 hours later, arrived in Tokyo
-3 hour layover in Tokyo, spent mostly in the smoking lounge, large dose of niccotine on entry, before i even lit a cig
-Finished Miles book
-6 hour flight to Hanoi, Started reading Divine Invasion, also PKD, too tired to focus, watched avatar.
-Arrived in Hanoi 10:40 pm local time, took over an hour to get visa and clear customs.
-Picked up by Hostel, didn't arrive til 12:20
-Found bed, Drank a beer, smoked a cig
-restless sleep

-awoke in hanoi
-3 bananas and black tea for breakfast
-wandered around gov't district with nice french kid bunked under me
-tried to see Ho Chi Min's body, saw the masoleum and square though
-wandered around the old city, taking care of practicalities, ATM, bought water, batteries, etc.
-Lunch: beef with noodle soup and fried squid
- wandered around some more
-going to see a show tonight two vietnamese dudes, one on electric guitar and one on laptop/keys should be good

nothing that exciting yet, but so psyched to be here, loving the energy.

maybe i'll try to keep the updates every saturday, we'll see.

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